CORSE - 2016
Research Program
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

A bounded memory allocator for software-defined global address spaces

Participants : François Gindraud, Fabrice Rastello, Albert Cohen [ENS Ulm] , Francois Broquedis.

This work is about the design of a memory allocator targeting manycore architectures with distributed memory. Among the family of Multi Processor System on Chip (MPSoC), these devices are composed of multiple nodes linked by an on-chip network; most nodes have multiple processors sharing a small local memory. While MPSoC typically excel on their performance-per-Watt ratio, they remain hard to program due to multilevel parallelism, explicit resource and memory management, and hardware constraints (limited memory, network topology).

Typical programming frameworks for MPSoC leave much target-specific work to the programmer: combining threads or node-local OpenMP, software caching, explicit message passing (and sometimes, routing), with non-standard interfaces. More abstract, automatic frameworks exist, but they target large-scale clusters and do not model the hardware constraints of MPSoC.

This memory allocator is one component of a larger runtime system, called Givy 5.3, to support dynamic task graphs with automatic software caching and data-driven execution on MPSoC. To simplify the programmer's view of memory, both runtime and program data objects live in a Global Address Space (GAS). To avoid address collisions when objects are dynamically allocated, and to manage virtual memory mappings across nodes, a GAS-aware memory allocator is required. This work proposes such an allocator with the following properties: (1) it is free of inter-node synchronizations; (2) its node-local performance match that of state-of-the-art shared-memory allocators; (3) it provides node-local mechanisms to implement inter-node software caching within a GAS; (4) it is well suited for small memory systems (a few MB per node).

This work has been presented at the international conference ISMM 2016 [16].